Friday, April 8, 2011

Why didn’t I think of that?

I recently purchased an air rope. Your asking what is an air rope, aren’t you? It is the coolest piece of exercise equipment, and I am just mad I didn’t think of it. You use it like a jump is the best part. You can never miss, so you can jump as long as you want without stopping. If you can do it for 10 minutes you are a pro! After 2 minutes, you are going to be wishing for a standard jump rope so you can miss and catch a breather!

Jumping rope burns more calories per minute than most forms of exercise. 10 minutes of jumping rope is the same as 30 minutes of jogging. You can do this exercise anywhere. It is fun and entertaining. No matter what your fitness level, you can do this at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home. 

This is a picture of me with the air rope.


Kids love it to! Here is a video of my son using the rope.

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