Monday, August 12, 2013


Fear stops me from doing many things in CrossFit. Box jumps used to be one of them. Until the day 02/20/13 that I made up my mind to do it. I walked into the gym and said I wasn’t leaving until I did it. It took some time, but I did it and never looked back.

About a month ago it happened. You should never see a hand print on a box. This is proof that the shin and the wood collided, while a hand tried to break the blow. Yep, this is what I had feared. It was in an afternoon class, on the 8th jump of 10 and round 3 of 4. I let my mind wander to what I was going to do after class. I was feeling confident in my jumps, and no longer focused on the task in front of me and then WHAM! I was bitched slapped by a box. It hurt, as it should.

That evening I went on-line and purchased a pair of shin skins. I could not jump again until I received them, fear would not let me. I am back in business and happy to say I have not found out yet if they really work. I try to stay focused when doing jumps or any other skill in the workout.

What does fear keep you from doing?

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  1. Fear kept me from trying CrossFit. I finally tried it two weeks ago, and, after a great workout, felt completely silly for ever being afraid. Here's to the fear-conquering ladies out there!


  2. Great article! I've been looking for some insight on this new women's fitness technique called crazy wrap life. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but my wife really wants to do it. This gave me some great insight though! Thanks for sharing.
