Tuesday, December 18, 2012

CrossFit is Hard?

CrossFit is Hard? This is the #1 question and/or comment I hear from people who have not tried it. "It's hard", is not what comes to my mind. Fun, Pain, Community and Friends is what comes to my mind. So do accomplishment and disturbed!

Ok, Ok...maybe it is hard. But the best things in life are hard. College, Marriage, Children are all hard things. Just because it's hard doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. It is probably one of the reason you should.

You can sit on your ass and let life pass you up, and have others care for you someday. You can go to your globo gym and never see results. These are the easy choices. Or you can get into the game of life and try CrossFit. Feel like a million bucks every day you are alive and kicking. A well earned, kick ass million bucks! Difficult choice, huh?

Get in the game. Why wait? it's already later than you think. The ability to exercise is a limited time offer!

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1 comment:

  1. Wow, it seems like crossfit would be a great way to get more in shape! My wife is not satisfied with just running anymore, and I think she wants to try something else fitness related that would challenge her. I think I will show your blog to her- I am sure she will love it!

