Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why Women Should Lift Weights

Women are still convinced that sticking to the cardio machines is the way to go. Below are are some great reasons why women should not fear the weight rack. Please feel free to email me if you need help getting started charsin@roadrunner.com

1. YOU WILL LOSE BODY FAT - As lean muscle increases so does your resting metabolism, and in turn you burn more calories all day long. Building a higher metabolism is one of the key ingredients to help keep the weight off.

2. REDUCE THE RISK OF HEART DISEASE - Weight Training has been noted to improve cardiovascular health by lowering LDL (bad cholesterol), increasing HDL (good cholesterol), and lowering blood pressure.

3. REDUCE THE RISK OF CANCER - American Cancer Society estimates that 1/3 of all cancer deaths are related to poor nutrition and exercise. Need I say more?

4. REDUCE THE RISK OF DIABETES - Weight Training may improve the way the body processes sugar, which can reduce the risk of diabetes. Adult-onset diabetes is a growing problem for women.

5. REDUCE THE RISK OF INJURY, BACK PAIN AND ARTHRITIS - Weight Training not only builds stronger muscles, but also builds stronger connective tissues that can increase joint stability and can ease the pain of osteoarthritis.

Have you found weights to be useful in staying well and healthy? Would love to hear your stories.

1 comment:

  1. Another reason why: so we can be hot old ladies if we lift weights. How about 72 year old Ernestine Shepard. And to stronger so we can still lift things without help through many years. Okay, Charlene is inspired me to get back to the gym. If only I lived close enough where she could train me. 2395 miles maybe a little too far to go.
